Psychological Safety of Students: Duty of Care in Schools to Provide a Safe Learning Environment Schools and other organisations working..

Psychological Safety of Students: Duty of Care in Schools to Provide a Safe Learning Environment Schools and other organisations working..
Vicarious Liability: Does Liability Extend Beyond the Employment Relationship? On 13 November 2024, the High Court of Australia allowed an..
Australian Child Safe Standards – A State By State Guide 2025 What Are The Current Child Safe Standards & Principles..
Child Safety at the Bus Stop? Duty of Care Outside of School Hours Trigger Warning: This article discusses topics related..
Child Safety in Victoria: Summary of the CCYP Annual Report 2023-24 The Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) is..
Child Safety Training: A Fundamental Obligation to keep Children and Young People Safe from Harm Child safety training is a..
The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the Royal Commission) published its final report..
The Blue Card system is Queensland checks and monitors individuals working with children and young people to create safe environments..
If you work in HR or create organisational recruitment policies for people working with children, you’ll of course, already be..
The 11 Child Safe Standards (Standards) in Victoria apply to all organisations with the care, supervision or authority of children..